

A REST API that evaluates and clearly presents information about the Engelsburg-Gymnasium Kassel, mostly used by the Engelsburg-Planer Flutter app, which the API can also send notifications via FCM to.


docker compose up -d


Environment Variable Description
SCHOOL_TOKEN Token given by the school for the substitutes
GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS Google account credentials to use FCM
PRODUCTION If set to false no notifications will be send and no images will be loaded to create the blurhash for each article
BLURHASH If true generate blurhash for articles

SSL Settings

It is highly recommended to use HTTPS via SSL:

Environment Variable Description
SSL_ENABLED Enable https and ssl
SSL_KEYSTORE SSL-Keystore file
SSL_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD Password to access Keystore password

Automatic issue SSL-Certificate

To enable automatic SSL-Certificate-Issuing you need to set following environment variables:

Environment Variable Description
lets-encrypt-helper.domain Domain(s) to issue certificate for
lets-encrypt-helper.contact Contact email to issue certificate

Endpoint Documentation

We use Swagger to document our endpoints. You can visit Swagger.io and import endpoints.yaml on any branch, but you can also click here to view the endpoint documentation of the current version.

Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Paul Huerkamp. All rights reserved.